Farcical Life Part One 1-2-1 Coaching Journey – ONLINE


Farcical Life Part One 1-2-1 Coaching Journey

Training Dates: You choose the dates, you choose the times

Price: $1050 USD

A structured approach to supporting you in finding your truth and living it.  In essence, you begin to uncover your real purpose in life by connecting to who you really are, rather than who you think you SHOULD be.

It’s simple, easy to follow, and a lot of fun!

You can book up to 2 people into one session – for besties who want to grow together.


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You choose the dates.  You choose the times.

This 8-hour intensive live 1-2-1 coaching journey takes place over 4 days across 4 x 2-hour sessions.  I recommend an additional 4 hours of self-work and preparation and an hour of total relaxation.  The total commitment time is about 16 hours over 4 days.

This 4-day 1-2-1 coaching journey sets the scene for the Farcical Life concepts and gives you insight into asking the questions that can free you from limitations.

You will learn to wonder, rather than to know.  And that you don’t NEED to know!

The aim is for you to fully experience the journey to allow you to understand through insight, rather than through the perspective of another.

It’s about learning to trust yourself and find the feeling of home within.

About Farcical Life 1-2-1 Coaching Journey

It’s a structured approach to supporting you in finding your truth and living it.  In essence, you begin to uncover your real purpose in life by connecting to who you really are, rather than who you think you SHOULD be.

It’s simple, easy to follow, and a lot of fun!

We work together to liberate you from social conditioning, familial conditioning, old beliefs and other values and concepts which do not serve you in the present moment.  At the end of this journey, you’ll give yourself full permission to be who you are, without need for explanation or introduction.